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Spark Curriculum

Spark Curriculum is activity and theme based curriculum touching major aspects on child’s overall growth. Spark blends with best of pre-school learning methodologies and gives real time learning experience.

Multiple Intelligences

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Different children learn differently, which is why you need classroom activities for multiple intelligences. Students who don’t learn traditionally may be left behind by regular classwork. By engaging students in multiple intelligence activities that teach each of the eight different types of intelligence, you will be able to help all of children succeed.

  • Musical Intelligence: The ability to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch and timbre.
  • Visual-Spatial Intelligence: The capacity to think in images and pictures, to visualize accurately and abstractly.
  • Bodily-KinestheticIntelligence: The ability to control one’s body movements and to handle objects skillfully.
  • Interpersonal Intelligence: The capacity to detect and respond appropriately to the moods, motivations and desires of others.
  • Naturalist Intelligence: The ability to recognize and categorize plants, animals and other objects in nature.
  • Existential Intelligence: The sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existence, such as the meaning of life, why we die and how we got here.
  • Linguistic intelligence: Linguistic Intelligence is a part that deals with an individual’s ability to understand both spoken and written language, as well as their ability to speak and write themselves.
  • Logical mathematical: In other words, they are skilled at deductive reasoning, detecting patterns, and logical thinking. People with logical/mathematical intelligence They are also good at understanding complex and abstract ideas.


At the Spark Preschool Program, our goal is to maintain a safe and orderly environment in which your child can learn. Therefore, we place a great emphasis on encouraging appropriate behavior of children to help them develop self-control, self-discipline, self-confidence . Cautious efforts are made to help children understand why some behaviors are not acceptable, and suggestions for more desirable behaviors are offered. The rules are posted in the classroom and reviewed often with children.

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Life skils

Life skills go hand-in-hand with development, and can help your child succeed later in life. The most important life skills your child should know and ways to incorporate them into the daily routine.

Environmental Awareness

Children’s appreciation for nature develops at a young age, so begin environmental education for kids as early as possible.

  • Take a Nature Walk.
  • Get together with teachers and kids to plant a community garden. …
  • Create an Outdoor Classroom.
  • Having Go Green Theme as part of curriculum
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Emotional Intelligence

We at Spark help your child to have emotional awareness and healthy coping skills.

  • We Validate Your Child’s Feelings
  • We Explain the Difference Between Feelings and Behaviors.
  • We Teach Your Child Emotion Regulation Skills
  • We Don’t Confuse Emotions for Weakness


Traditionally the objectives of value-education are based on religion and philosophy. There was no secular value-education; but in today’s modern world, this has been taken as very much essential.

Accordingly, the objectives for value-education may be taken up as follows:

  • Full development of child’s personality in its physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects,
  • Inculcation of good manners and of responsible and cooperative citizenship.
  • Developing respect for the dignity of individual and society.
  • Inculcation of a spirit of patriotism and national integration.
  • Developing tolerance towards and understanding of different religious faiths.
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